7 Aug 2024
The Strategic Framework 2022-2025 is composed of four Strategic Goals and 17 corresponding Strategic Objectives highlighting where the Organization intends to be in 2025.
Against an ever-changing policing landscape, a strategic and business planning process is fundamental to ensuring that INTERPOL continues to support global law enforcement and achieves the Organization’s vision of “connecting police for a safer world”. INTERPOL’s Strategic Framework sets out the Organization’s strategic direction for a given period of time (four years) and provides a framework for reporting progress and success. It provides a focused and effective direction for INTERPOL programmes and activities.
Member countries were involved in the development of the new Strategic Framework to identify important strategic areas, possible risks, and lessons learned from the preceding Strategic Framework 2017-2020 as well as from other previous Strategic Frameworks. The development of the Strategic Framework 2022-2025 also included environmental scanning, consideration of various threat assessments, and foresight efforts. As a result, the Strategic Framework 2022-2025 is more focused, adaptable and inspiring, as it highlights the Organization’s growth.
The four Strategic Goals were built on the lessons learned from the previous Strategic Frameworks, and they reflect INTERPOL’s values, vision, and mission. The Strategic Framework 2022-2025 was endorsed by the Executive Committee at its session in July 2020 and approved by the General Assembly at its 89th session in November 2021. It is cross-organizational, and focuses on INTERPOL’s capabilities and service delivery to its 196 member countries.
Strategic Goal 1: Trusted information for action
1.1 Strengthen law enforcement access to and use of information systems through better interoperability, network extensions and development of secure innovating exchange solutions.
1.2 Increase the quality and quantity of threat-driven and criminal intelligence analysis to support the operational and investigative needs of member countries.
1.3 Uphold INTERPOL’s privacy and data security regulations and technology to comply with the evolving international standards for data protection.
1.4 Enhance information management in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant and binding international instruments to ensure a high level of trust in INTERPOL’s information systems.
Strategic Goal 2: Enrich policing through partnerships
2.1 Be the global police leader in information sharing, incident response, and operational coordination to combat transnational crimes.
2.2 Cultivate diverse partnerships that will improve and develop our capabilities, maximize their use and enrich our services to member countries.
2.3 Provide capabilities to maximize capacity, knowledge, and skills of law enforcement globally.
2.4 Engage with national governments and international forums to obtain support and promote our role in shaping global security.
Strategic Goal 3: Advance and innovate policing
3.1 Leverage digital transformation to improve the efficiency of our processes and the quality and speed of our services to member countries.
3.2 Facilitate global dialogue on emerging technologies and cutting-edge solutions with private and public partners to develop innovative policing services.
3.3 Use emerging technologies to deliver innovative policing solutions to member countries.
3.4 Adopt creative thinking and multi-disciplinary collaboration to build a culture of innovation and foresight planning.
Strategic Goal 4: Enhance organizational performance and delivery
4.1 Make the organization more competitive, efficient and flexible through strong leadership and a modern approach to human resources.
4.2 Increase our agility to respond to a changing environment by decentralizing governance and transforming financial management with an emphasis on empowerment, transparency and accountability.
4.3 Ensure organizational resilience by implementing robust mechanisms for risk management, performance management and business continuity.
4.4 Foster a culture based on ethics, diversity and inclusion that embodies the values of the Organization.
4.5 Strengthen the Organization’s legal framework and harmonize institutional policies and practices to improve capabilities and programmes.
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